Ma adesso arriviamo a parlare di moda, (nel titolo del bolog c'è pur sempre la fashion e quindi è d'obbligo =) ), gli abiti utilizzati da Madonna per tutto lo spettacolo, erano tutti firmati Givenchy, disegnati dall'esperta mano del direttore creativo Riccardo Tisci.
Voi che ne pensate? Lo spettacolo vi è piaciuto o avreste voluto vedere qualcosa in piu? E gli abiti, vi sono piaciuti?
Rispondete in molti =)
P.S: scusate se negli ultimi giorni non ci sono stati nuovi post, ma purtroppo la scuola mi ha completamente impegnato, fra verifiche di latino, greco e filosofia, vi posso giurare che ho trovato con difficolta anche il tempo per respirare =)
Last night there was perhaps the American television event par excellence,capable of attracting millions of viewers, the Super Bowl that was won by the New York giants (but who cares XD cronoca my duty as I did) but let's be honest, the wait was all for the show that Madonna would have done during the half time and that would mark the comeback queen of pop music world after 4 years of silence.The performance was impressive, of course, I would say monumental, especiallyat the start which saw Madonna in the role of a deity in the middle between Egyptand Greece, carries on a huge stage pulled by soldiers romani.Nella final sectionis perhaps lost a bit 'of monumentality but the show was the same very enjoyable.
But now we come to talk about fashion, (in the title of ta is still the fashion, and so it is a must =)), the clothes used by Madonna through the show, were all designed by Givenchy, designed by an expert hand the creative director Riccardo Tisci.
What do you think? The show did you like or you would like to see something more? And the clothes you liked?
Respond in many =)
PS: sorry if the last day there were new posts, but unfortunately the school I wastotally engaged, including verification of latin, greek and philosophy, I can swear that I found difficulty with the time to breathe =)
But now we come to talk about fashion, (in the title of ta is still the fashion, and so it is a must =)), the clothes used by Madonna through the show, were all designed by Givenchy, designed by an expert hand the creative director Riccardo Tisci.
What do you think? The show did you like or you would like to see something more? And the clothes you liked?
Respond in many =)
PS: sorry if the last day there were new posts, but unfortunately the school I wastotally engaged, including verification of latin, greek and philosophy, I can swear that I found difficulty with the time to breathe =)
I don't get the hat on madonna...